Friday, August 23, 2019

S6W8Paper2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

S6W8Paper2 - Research Paper Example The latter part of the 20th century and commencement of the 21st century has radically altered the nature of international order. It is now evident that this change cannot be contained in a dynamic world characterized by globalization, and rapid growth in information and technology. United States of America must therefore brace itself to a multilateral world where, while boosting of the military, economic and cultural prowess, it may face challenges from adversaries and even allies2. This paper gives a detailed account of the current international order and trends in the global affairs that have either a direct or indirect impact on United States. It further shows the manner in which US can chart its way to a peaceful and stable future by being at the forefront of world economy, protecting crucial global strategic interests, and maximizing on the use of military power and strength. In addition, the paper provides an analysis of the emerging threats from terrorist and the proliferatio n of nuclear weapons. ... Most of these actors are responsible for direct acts of terrorism and supporting terrorist groups either financially or through offering them a safe haven. Cases in point are North Korea and Iran. The two nations have totally objected collaborating with international treaties on aspects such as reduction of nuclear weapon capabilities. The eventuality has been constant threats on resources that are meant for the common good such as oil and sea lanes. The policy of United States then is to insist on measures that would compel such non-players to comply with the treaties agreed upon by the international institutions. Among the many strategies employed include application of stringent sanctions on such nations aimed at crippling their economic and coordination power3. Nonetheless, the sanction would be only be enforced on states that blatantly object the efforts of international institutions of preserving global peace and order. For instance, North Korea is clearly moving against the gl obal peace initiative. It has consistently tested its medium range missiles despite warnings from the international community. Furthermore, it has gone on the offensive, through its dictatorial leader, to warn U.S., South Korea and Japan of a possible war if they do not stay away from spying on them. The threats from North Korea warrant for all possible forms of sanctions. On the other hand, United States would capitalize on the strong reform organizations as well as citizens to drive change in nations such as Iran. Through supporting these movements, U.S. can effectively drive both social and political change in such countries. The same case can be applied in China. Essentially, the idea of nations investing on weapons of mass destruction would be discouraged at all costs4. The strategy

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