Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Compare and contrast the concepts of Leadership and Power. Draw Essay

Compare and contrast the concepts of Leadership and Power. Draw comparisons between French and Ravens (1959) Bases of Power, expansions of the bases, and a - Essay Example The capacity for individual and organizational transformation must be accompanied by moral responsibility, for transformational leaders shape powerful social and institutional cultures, which may either, be liberating or oppressive. Sources of Interpersonal Power may be 1) Expert -- based on knowledge and expertise, 2) Referent -- extent to which subordinate likes or identifies with supervisor, 3) Legitimate -- job title, 4) Reward -- ability to reward subordinates and 5) Coercive -- ability to punish subordinates.5 While Sources of Political Power (Yukl, 1989)6, Control over decision processes, 2) Forming coalitions, 3) Co-optation, and 4) Gaining influence in large organizations likely to be more a matter of political power than individual power. While t leader-member relations, task structure, and position power to deal with situation, determines the best kind of leader.

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