Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Are Some Good Argumentative Essay Topics?

What Are Some Good Argumentative Essay Topics?Writing a persuasive essay is not as difficult as you might think. It is not as complicated as you may think either. Writing persuasive essays can be achieved by the simple use of simple argumentative writing techniques and knowing the right arguments to employ. You can develop a stronger argument by using more than one argument.Strong arguments come from knowledge and experience. A strong argument can withstand the best efforts of an opponent and eventually prove victorious. Strong arguments contain an emotional charge that promotes the attraction of the audience to it. However, to be effective, arguments must be supported by facts. An argument that is too long does not hold any weight.The key to a persuasive essay is to apply the three C's in an essay. These include breadth, coherence and concreteness. A persuasive essay must have many paragraphs to show depth of idea. Persuasive essays can be either narrative or analytical in nature.Th ere are other subjects that are considered good persuasive essay topics. Topics like fear, science, humor, history, religion, health, law, love, sports, travel, etc. are all good subject areas.But what makes a persuasive essay successful is the quality of the argument. Persuasive essays are persuasive for three main reasons. First, an argument holds emotional power by appealing to the emotions of the reader. A persuasive essay contains emotional appeal and explains the connection between the person making the argument and the reader of the essay. Persuasive essays that communicate the reader's emotions are more persuasive and effective in their appeal.The second factor that helps a persuasive essay succeed isits coherence. A coherent argument is a true argument. Coherence is achieved when the writer states the facts in the proper order and maintains consistency between them. A persuasive essay is less likely to fail in this area if the writer gets their facts and ideas straight befo re making their argument.A persuasive essay also needs to be persuasive in its concreteness. Concreteness refers to what is obvious. Convincing arguments in an essay cannot be too clear to the point of being confusing.

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